October 29, 2007

Safety, Responsiblity, and the Internet

The Internet is an extremely vast source of information that readily lends itself to use in the classroom. Teaching strategies that make use of this massive resource, such as WebQuests, can be very effective (for instance, click here to check out the WebQuest I designed using TeacherWeb).

However, despite the Internet's positive potential for teaching and learning, it can be exceedingly dangerous. Students must be taught how to use the Internet safely and responsibly in order to maximize its utility and minimize its dangers. One way of teaching students about appropriate Internet usage is to have them complete the "Jo Cool or Jo Fool" web awareness activity and quiz developed by the Media Awareness Network (the activity and quiz are available at http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/games/jocool_jofool/kids.cfm).

"Jo Cool or Jo Fool" takes students on a "CyberTour" of different fictional websites in order to determine whether they are safe and responsible or unsafe and irresponsible. It covers the basics of acceptable Internet use, including: protection of private information, legitimacy of sources, respectful participation in chatrooms/forums, online marketing ploys, and awareness of illegal Internet use (such as illegal music downloads).

Bringing these online dangers to the attention of students is an essential prerequisite for Internet use in the classroom.