December 9, 2007

Microsoft PowerPoint in Practice

I have long been a proponent of using Microsoft PowerPoint in the classroom, but I have just recently begun using the program in ways I had not previously thought of.
First, PowerPoint's Custom Animation feature has allowed me to create visual aids that help students understand complex concepts. For instance, I have been using PowerPoint to teach Grade 6 students about air pressure and compression; the program's Custom Animation feature allows me to effectively demonstrate what happens when particles of air are compressed into a smaller space.

Second, I have been using PowerPoint in a much simpler way to teach Grade 6 French. In order to teach vocabulary terms to students, I displayed words and images on-screen using PowerPoint. Traditional paper flash cards can be difficult for all students in the class to see at once, mainly because of their small size. However, with PowerPoint "flash cards," the words and images are large and clear enough for the entire class to see. This allows students to establish connections between words and the concepts they represent.

Finally, another use for PowerPoint (also in French class) is as a means to model for students what their notebooks are expected to look like. For instance, in the example below, students were asked to create a French vocabulary chart, with English terms in the left-hand column and French in the right-hand column. Using PowerPoint for this purpose enhances the clarity of the teacher's instructions and allows students to write effective and organized notes and assignments.